Choosing a healthier lifestyle? Focusing on weight loss? Whatever the reason is, it is never too late to start a proper and healthy diet plan. As long as you can hit your target weight, the diet plan stays!
This article will provide you details on a carefully structured diet, with a calorie intake of 1800 and the do’s and don’ts you ought to follow along with your journey.
Table of Contents
Why Follow A Diet Plan?
The food we eat affects our body and mind. This implies that what we eat is the reason why we behave or look a certain way. What we like to eat is not adequate for the body and mind. Hence the need for a diet plan which is rich in all the nutrients arises.
People take the term ‘diet’ in a negative sense. Mostly because they think it will be keeping them hungry and craving all day. It is high time to rethink on this.
The aim of a diet plan is to provide all the nutrients in the right quantity to the body, according to age, sex, weight, and height. The goal is to eat right.
What Is 1,800 Calorie Diet Plan?
An 1800 calorie diet menu serves without leaving you starved, and neither does it deprives the body of its essential needed nutrition.
It is better than a 1,200 or a 1500 calorie diet as it provides enough room for adjustments and can also include a sweetener daily. Sweetens the deal doesn’t it?
Who Can Opt For This Diet Plan?
An 1800 calorie diet plan is mainly for women as men need a 2200 calorie diet plan. Mostly this diet plan will be fit for an active, large framed female and an active medium framed male.
1800 Calorie Diet Plan Chart
Do not skip any meal, especially breakfast.Research shows that people who skip a meal tend to eat large servings of the next meal.
A lot of nutrients in your diet should come from fruits, green leafy vegetables, nuts, fish, oats, low-fat dairy products and whole grains.
Make sure to drink plenty of water every day (around 8 cups).
What’s On The Menu?
This diet plan includes three meals per day generally: breakfast, lunch, and dinner and also incorporating a mid-morning snack and a mid-afternoon snack.
For breakfast opt for two servings of protein, two servings of whole grains, two servings of fruit and a fat element.
Mid-Morning Snack
Since it is snack time, you can choose a fruit along with a serving of low-fat product or a dairy substitute.
For lunch, it would be advisable to go for two servings of whole grains, two servings of protein, two servings of vegetables, one serving of a low-fat dairy product or its substitute and one fat.
Mid-Afternoon Snack
For this snack take one fruit and one protein
Take three servings of vegetables, two whole grains, three servings of protein and fat.
1800 Calorie Diet Plan For The Indian Vegetarian
A vegetarian 1800 calorie diet has most of its grains whole grains, with a variety of fruits and vegetables and low or fat-free dairy products.
The protein they get, to cater to protein demand of the body is plant protein like from cooked legumes that is peas, dry beans like kidney beans, dals and from lentils.
For protein, nut butter (almond, cashew, etc.) is also an option. Juice along with pulp and fiber is also a healthy snack when taken with a toast with a tablespoon of fat-free yogurt.
1800 Calorie Diet Plan For Diabetics
Since diabetics have to keep their blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, blood pressure and weight under control, they will have a separate diet plan. Their diet pan will be low-fat and low-sugar.
Guidelines For Diabetics
1. Go For Whole Grains Only
Diabetics should keep in mind that their choice should be whole grain only and they cannot opt for refined grains. This is to provide more nutrition in keeping with the blood sugar levels in check.
2. Pick Lean Protein
If you have meat for lunch or dinner, make it a habit to avoid ‘red meat fat’ and choose skinless poultry products, eggs, fish, nuts, and seeds. Make everything you pick low-fat and low-sodium.
3. Vegetables Are A Must
As suggested by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) a person with diabetes must get most of her nutrition and diet from non-starched vegetables.
Broccoli, spinach, salad greens, tomatoes are to name a few. Non-starchy vegetables are essential as they are high in fiber and have low carbohydrate levels.
4. Dairy Products Should Be Low Or Non-Fat Only
Dairy products are essential to keep the calcium and Vitamin D need in check. The whole point for a different diet plan for diabetics is to keep their medical condition in sight, and a most important factor of this regime is to keep their blood sugar levels under control.
Sugar substitutes and artificial sweeteners should be used instead of sugar. But all in all, sugar treats should be avoided.
Look for sugar content in fruits as well. Keep all dairy products strictly low or non-fat.
5. Incorporate Fruits As The Healthy Substitute For Dessert Or Snacks
Fruits do have sugar content but do not possibly disturb the blood sugar levels for a diabetic. A fruit taken along with low fat or no fat dressing is a perfect treat for a diabetic. Canned fruits (with no sugar syrups) are also an option.
It is not difficult for a diabetic to follow a healthy diet plan and to keep his medical condition in check. A few changes ought to be made in a normal diet plan, and one is good to go.
For a diabetic going for sugar-free, low fat and non-starch leafy vegetable is the key to an 1800 calorie diet plan.
1800 Calorie Diet Plan For Men
Men need more energy to function every day. More energy means more calories needed to burn. Hence an ideal diet plan for men is a 2200 calorie diet plan.
An 1800 calorie diet plan is for men who are looking for weight loss. They need more calories as their Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), or the rate at which they burn calories at rest is higher than women.
An 1800 calorie diet for men should be very low on sugar content and high in protein, vegetables, and fruits. Just cut a bit on sugar and fat and you are good too.
1800 Calorie Diet Plan For Body Building
The menu for bodybuilding will be low on carbohydrates and high on protein. Also, the sugar levels should be kept in check.
Vegetables and fruits are healthy and should regularly be taken. Since protein is an increased quantity here, so the intake of eggs whites, fish, and low-fat meat is recommended.
In this diet plan, there should be ¾ proteins in your diet and ¼ should be fat and sugar.
1800 Calorie Diet Plan For Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding requires more calories to burn, and a breastfeeding mother should not go on fad diets or lose pounds too fast.
During breastfeeding, there can be the lot of cravings, which should be attended to with no fat dairy products or dry fruits or another healthy option.
Iron is required by breastfeeding moms and can be found in red meat, nuts, fish, eggs, green leafy vegetables, wholegrain cereals, etc.
Their diet should be a mix of vegetables, fruits, and meat along with fat-free dairy products. During breastfeeding feeling thirsty is very common and juice or a healthy low-fat smoothie can be an option.
Also while breastfeeding alcohol intake is strictly a ‘no’ as the alcohol goes directly into the milk.
Are There Any Side Effects To An 1800 Calorie Diet Plan?
While you will adjust to your new eating regime, it may cause irritation and anger. This is a problem that the mind can conquer. Be cool and patient.
During times of hunger pangs, divert your mind and don’t give into temptation. Having cravings is a part of dieting.
As a side effect, the body can also show some signs in the form of fatigue or constipation or nausea.
What After The Diet Plan?
After your diet plan is over, you will have lost a few pounds, and your eating habits would have changed drastically.
Instead of giving up to temptation and fulfilling all your cravings, try to eat healthily and avoid the lost weight from coming back. Keep your nutrients and vitamins balanced.
This 1,800 calorie diet plan is very safe and is also better than Very Low-Calorie Diets (VLCDS). If you have any health concerns, do consult a doctor. Incorporating this diet plan for weight loss, it is very suitable, especially for women.
The Proper Diet Plan
An appropriate diet plan is one which caters to all your needs without making you feel hungry all day. It should include all the carbohydrates, fats, proteins, calcium and vitamins. All this in a single diet plan may seem challenging to adjust, but it is not impossible.
1. Have Your Plate All ‘Colored Up’
Yes ‘colored up’ because this will be a treat to your eyes as well as for your body. Don’t hesitate to try new food. A single fruit or vegetable would not be sufficient to provide all the nutrients. Hence go for fresh produce and eat from a wide variety of foods available.
2. Focus On Your Whole Grains
Having most of the grains to be whole grains is mandatory. Read the labels on food products or look for Whole Grain Stamps.
Whole grain is necessary as it contains all the ingredients of grain, leaving nothing out and in return providing all the benefits possible.
3. Do Not Miss Out The Fiber
Fiber present in fruits is very much significant as it speeds the metabolism rate. Do not ignore some fruits because you think they may have high sugar element. Eating fruits on a daily basis especially after a workout fights craving and obviously provides nutrition.
4. Beware Of Liquid Fat
You think packed juice is the healthiest? Think again. Packed juices include added sugar and sweeteners. Squeeze out a fruit fresh to enjoy all its benefits.
5. Cut Down On Animal Fat
Animal meat especially red meat contains “bad” cholesterol. Choose healthily and buy low-fat or nonfat dairy and poultry products.
You can also completely replace the red meat with fish. It’s a much healthier option as it contains Omega-3 and saturated fats which are beneficial.
6. Watch Your Alcohol Intake
Alcohol should be kept moderate while on a diet. 1 drink per day for women and 2 for men. It does have its health benefits but while on a diet one should mind the intake.
7. Don’t Forget The Calcium
We know it keeps the bones healthy and one should get at least 1,000 to 1,200 mg calcium from their diet. If this is not possible or if one is lactose intolerant or whatever the reason be, take the calcium supplement.
Precautions While Following 1800 Calorie Diet Plan
i. Do Not Starve You
People think that a diet will work faster and better by eating nothing or very little. This is a myth. While dieting, ensure to eat in small portions and regulate the entire nutrients intake.
ii. Drink Plenty Of Water
Water helps to keep the body free of toxins and also makes the skin shiny. Being hydrated is also of importance. Drink water even if you are not thirsty.
iii. Check How Your Body Reacts To Your Diet Plan
Does your diet plan make you feel tired and angry or does it makes you feel super active and fresh? These symptoms are to check for because it’s the body’s way of giving thumbs up or thumbs down to your diet plan!
iv. Regulate The Intake Of Fat And Carbohydrates
Obviously, your diet will focus on these two aspects profusely but cut them off will not help. Take one serving of fat at snack time. Avoid aerated drinks as they contain high levels of sugar which can disturb your diet.
v. Do Not Give Into Temptation
Be strong and remember why you started. It may seem easy to give up, but nothing hurt to see your diet crashing into a big pile of chocolate or Nutella! The temptation is deceiving elf.
When following this or any diet plan, look for symptoms your body shows and then decide whether or not to continue and make changes accordingly.
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