Manjakani or Oak is gall is very much popular in India and Malaysia.
It is known as “Masikai” in Tamil and “Mazhupal “ in Hindi. In Tamil Nadu, You will find it in all the homes where there is a newborn baby. It has been used for natural vaginal tightening since ages.
It is kind of interesting the way it is formed. The oak is created when the leaves of the oak tree is attacked by an insect called stinging wasps.
This attack causes a chemical reaction in the leaves which produce a round shaped hardball around the wasps known as “Oak Gall”.
It has a small protrusion. The insect leaves from it after 5 to 6 months. Then it is dried and sold all over the world.
A researcher has found that it is rich in vitamin A, C, tannins and gallic acid, proteins. It also has anti microbes, anti-inflammatory properties.
Table of Contents
Health Benefits Manjakani
1. Vaginal Tightening
Extracts from Manjakani tighten vaginal muscles. It also helps in reducing the discharge of liquid.
Take Manjakani and crush it. Boil it in water until the water color changes. Cool the water and use it wash the vagina.
Start using it after pregnancy along with Yoga to get optimum results. Nowadays Manjakani gel is there on the market. You can use that too.
2. For Mouth Ulcers
Manjakani has been used to treat mouth ulcer because of its astringent properties.
It heals mouth ulcers instantly. You can apply the paste of Manjakani on your ulcer. It is completely safe to be used in case ulcer. Even this can be used on a child.
Soak oak gall in water for the while then rub it on the hard surface or stone with little water. It will form a paste and use it on the affected areas for instant relief.
3. Oak Gall For Babies
Manjakani extract has been used since ages for treating babies in India.Form paste by rubbing it along with other herbs like Haritaki, nutmeg, and Isamu(it is burnt to get paste from it).In Tamil, people call it as Urai Marundhu. It helps boosting the immune of the child and keeps them healthy.
4. Oak Gall Mouth Wash
You can use the powder of Manjakani as a mouthwash. As you already know that it treats mouth ulcers. It has antiseptic properties.
Boil the powder Manjakani. Use Luke that warm water as a mouthwash. It is very helpful in treating cavities and removes bad odor.
5. Manjakani Antiseptic Wash
This can be used as an antiseptic liquid in case of cuts and wounds. It kills the bacteria and heals them faster.
6. Look Young
This an awesome herb for skin tightening. Be it facial or vaginal. It is rich in antioxidants which help in reducing the process of aging.
7. Prevents Diabetes
Manjakani has Gallic Acid which helps in preventing Asthma and Diabetes. You can prepare Manjakani tea and drink it.
8. Prevents Breast And Cervix Cancer
The rich anti-oxidants found in Oak Gall can prevent cervix and breast cancer.
9. Removes Unpleasant Odor From Private Parts
Manjakani kills bacteria and fungal infection in the private area. It removes any unpleasant odor and itching from the private parts.
10. Makes Skin Firmer And Smoother
Astringent in Manjakani helps for a smoother skin and also prevents acne.
11. Helps Maintain Healthy Eye
Astringent can improve the eyesight due to its properties in shrinking the tissues in our eyes.
12. Sagging Breast Treatment
It’s been used as a breast tightening herb since ages. Drinking Manajakani can tighten sagging breast.
13. Oily Skin
As it is rich in astringents, it removes excess oil from the skin.
14. Reduce Large Pores
It can reduce large pores on face. Apply the Manjakani paste on skin and wash it off after 5 minutes.
Side Effects & Precautions
1. You should begin using it at small dosage then you can increase it accordingly.
2. Don’t use it during pregnancy as it might cause miscarriage.
3. If there are any side effects discontinue using it.
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