The dual body constitution Vata and Kapha need to follow a strict diet to maintain the balance. You should go for the foods that pacify both the doshas.
In this article, we will give you the guideline about Vata-Kapha diet and food. You can consider any of the food items that fall under this guideline. So let’s get started.
Table of Contents
Vata Kapha Diet Rules To Consider
The Vata’s appetite and digestion are slower and weak. On the other hand, the Kapha’s appetite is weak (but more than Vata) and stable. So, in general, a Vata-Kapha dosha type appetite would be weak and the digestion won’t be too strong.
Thus, the Vata-Kapha diet should contain food that aids in digestion. Choosing the right food is the key to manage these dual characteristics.
The simplest approach is to act as per the dosha. For example, when the Vata is imbalanced prioritize the food that reduces it and same is for Kapha.
The best way to deal with it to consider taste that is suitable for both the doshas. Both the doshas are balanced with warm meals.
Moreover, down below are few guidelines that you need to follow to manage the Vata-Kapha dosha appropriately.
1. Warmth And Energy
Your food should have the warmth and energy as it is lacking in both the doshas. Go for freshly cooked warm meals, completely chuck the reheated leftovers from the previous day.
Avoid any kind of processed refrigerated meals like ready to cook or frozen meals. Also avoid cold beverages like cold drinks, cold coffee, mocktails, etc.
2. Small Quantities
Eat in small quantity at regular intervals. This will allow proper digestion of food. For Vata and Kapha a big meal can be ineffective due to the weak digestive fire of both the doshas.
when you can digest your food appropriately you end up accumulating toxins in your body and end up aggravating both the doshas. Additionally, eat only when you feel hungry.
This will tell you the Agni in your body has properly assimilated the food. emotional eating is a strict no for both Vata and Kapha.
The most important thing is here to know whether are your really hungry or not. You can find out this if you feel light in your stomach and less in energy.
Moreover, you can make out your food is fully digested if your burp is clear without any smell or taste from the previous food.
3. Chewing
You should chew every bit of your food thoroughly. The Ayurveda suggests that half the digestion process happens in your mouth only while chewing. Chewing food into smaller piece make easier for the stomach to digest the food.
To let you chew nicely, try eating in a calm environment, and a peaceful state of mind. The atmosphere tends to bring a positive change to the digestion process, mind, and health.
4. Avoid Eating during An Activity
Completely avoid eating when you are walking, talking, doing some work, or when simply watching TV or phone. This is because it distracts your attention, makes you chew poorly and as a result slows down the digestion.
5. No Liquid After Meals
The Vata and Kapha body type can’t hold too much of liquid just after the meal. However, you can have liquids one hour before or after your meal.
If you wish you can take a few sips of boiled water during your meal to moisten the food and chew it easily. Nevertheless, you should always drink water throughout the day.
6. Breakfast And Dinner Should Be light
The Vata and Kapha go well with light breakfast and dinner. Although, they can handle a heavy lunch.
Your breakfast time should be within 1-2 hours of waking up, lunchtime should be between 12 pm to 2 pm, and dinner should be 3 hours your sleep time.
Vata-Kapha Pacifying Food List
Below is a food list for the Vata-Kapha body type. You can have any of them in your diet. This should be part of your Vata Kapha daily routine.
1. Oil
Vata and Kapha go well with small quantities of oil. Too much of oil make the meal heavy and difficult to digest.
Oil To Go For
- Ghee
- Sesame Oil
- Mustard Oil
- Olive Oil
Oil To Avoid
- Soy Oil
2. Fruits
Almost all foods in small quantities go well. However, prefer cooking or baking fruits to make them more digestible. Also, avoid too sweet or too sour food.
Fruits To Go For
- Apple
- Cherries
- Peaches
- Banana
- Apricots
- Raisins
- Figs
- Orange
- Avocadoes
Fruits To Go Avoid
- Custard apple
- extra sweet mangoes
3. Vegetables
All the freshly cooked vegetables work well with Vata and Kapha. But, don’t go for a raw and highly fibrous vegetable as they aggravate Vata.
If you wish to take them to cook them properly and consume them in small quantities. The same rule applies to root vegetables too.
Vegetable To Go For
- Tomato
- Potato
- Onion
- Spinach
- Beans
- Squash
Vegetable To Go Avoid
- Cauliflower
- Carrot
- Jackfruit
- Artichoke
4. Nuts And Seeds
You can take any nut and seed but in small amounts. Prefer stir-frying the nuts and seeds in a bit of oil before consuming them.
5. Cereals
Highly fibrous grain is difficult to be digested by this dual Prakriti. Nevertheless, your cereals should be properly cooked and warm.
Cereals To Go For
- Basmati rice
- wheat
- oats,
- Quinoa
- amaranth
- barley
- buckwheat
Cereals To Avoid
- Refined flour
- Corn
6. Dairy Products
It is best to go for raw organic milk products. Your milk should be warm and with a small amount of spice.
Dairy Products To Go For
- Buttermilk
- ghee
- low-fat yogurt
- Cow milk
- A small amount of sour cream and kefir
Dairy Products you Should Avoid
- Butter
- cheese
- cottage cheese
- ice cream
- frozen yogurt
7. Spices
Spices are always good for Vata and Kapha as they improve digestion and also enhance the food flavor. The spices are to be used in moderation.
Spices To Go For
- Allspice
- Asafetida
- dill
- fenugreek
- garlic
- ginger
- Caraway
- Catnip
- Poppy
- Basil
- Bay leaf
- Sage
- Saffron
- rosemary
- Star anise
- Tarragon
- Thym
- Clove
- Celery seed
- Chamomile
- Clove
- Cumin
- Coriander
- Mustard seeds
- Nutmeg
- Paprika
- Turmeric
- Parsley
- Peppermint
Spices To Avoid
- None, only you should take salt in a small amount
8. Legumes And Lentils
Legumes are best to be eaten well cooked and moderately spiced, otherwise, they become difficult to digest. Prefer soaking the legumes before night for better digestibility.
The legumes contain earth and air so can harm Vata and Kapha if digestion is weak. It is preferred to go for legumes that are easily digestible.
Legumes To Go For
- Mung daal
- soy milk
- tempeh
- tofu
Legumes To Avoid
- Aduki beans
- black beans
- black gram
- Fava Beans
- chickpeas
- Kidney beans
- Types of lentils
- lima beans
- Peas
- navy beans
- pinto beans
- Soybeans
9. Sweeteners
Sweeteners are not good for the Vata-Kapha diet. They cause an imbalance. However, if you wish to have them have them in small amounts and occasionally.
- Jaggery
- Raw honey
- molasses
- sucanat
Sweeteners To Avoid
- Date sugar
- Dextrose
- White Refined sugar
- fructose
- Grape sugar
- Maple sugar
- maltose
- maple syrup
Suggested Meals
Down below we are going to suggest few meal options for you. You can choose any of them if you wish too.
Vata-Kapha Breakfast
This should be light and you should have it within in i hour of your wake up time. You should never skip your breakfast as it aggravates the Vata dosha and neither you should go for refined meals for breakfast.
A few good options for breakfast are as follows:
- A fruit bowl with a glass of cow milk
- A cereal with some fresh fruits accompanied with tea or milk
- Whole grain bread with butter
Vata Kapha Lunch
Lunch should be the heaviest meal of the day. Prefer having well-cooked grain and healthy fat for your lunch. During this time whatever you eat would be digested easily. Accompany all your lunch meal with buttermilk for better digestion.
A few good options for lunch are as follows:
- Moong beans curry with any multigrain bread
- Quinoa cooked with vegetables
- Well cooked rice with stir fry vegetable curry
Vata Kapha Dinner
You can use the same option that you used for lunch but, the quantity should be less.
Your dinner should be well-spiced and light as this time your digestive fire is weak. Additionally, prefer having your dinner 3 hours before your bedtime.
Final Talk
The Vata Kapha pacifying diet and food are a bit tricky to choose. The key here is to listen to your body and find out which dosha you need to balance at a particular time.
However, we have also given a food list that will help you make healthy choices to balance the Vata and Kapha.
Additionally, whatever you do consistency is the key to success. If you follow a diet plan daily then, only you will see health fortifying results.