Mood, behavior and social interaction, all are Co – related to each other. And all these are organized by our brain. As you know the brain is the most important organ of the human body which regulates all the activities 24×7 without taking a break.
Even our mood also depends upon the regulations of the brain. So it is said that “Mood is the Essence of Brain”.
What we will feed to the brain, the essence it will distribute as. Like any other organs of the body, the brain also needs right nutrients from food to function properly.
Food has the chemical properties, vitamins and minerals which work as neurotransmitters to feel good. Our mood depends on what we feel inside, our behaviour depends upon as per our mood and our interaction towards others depends upon our behaviour.
So for all these, Food plays a vital role to boost your mood, mood to your good behavior and behavior to your social interaction. Let’s discuss the verities of foods as mood swingers.
Table of Contents
A. Foods That Boost Your Mood
1. Balanced Breakfast
Start your day with a breakfast include lots of fibre, protein, good fats and whole grain carbohydrates in time and regularly. It leads to improve your mood with more energy throughout the day with a calm feeling. It will increase your happiness level with a cheerful mood.
2. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are already accused of weight gainers. Most of you always try to avoid them, but it is a good news for all you carb – lovers that the foods contain cars are amazing mood swingers. They contain a chemical known as “ serotonin “ that elevates your mood to feel good and controls your appetite too to feel you full.
Hence it swings your mood with a very positive wave which reflects in your behavior towards others too. Whole wheat pasta, brown rice, sweets and starchy foods are some foods contain carbs a lot.
But you have to remember that, these carbohydrates must be eaten in combination with very little or no protein to keep your weight in balance.
3. Chocolates
Chocolates play an important role to make your mood happier Dark chocolates are the best choice.They are very good for the health of your brain. It slows down the creation of stress hormone and decreases the anxiety level automatically.
It is a top dietary source of an amino acid called tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin to make you feel good. It also protects the brain from damage, improves memory and focus. The mood enhancing effects present on chocolate can reflect on your behaviour too.
4. Fish
Omega-3 is a key mood-boosting nutrient which our body doesn’t produce which is abundantly found in Fish. Omega-3 contains fatty acid: EPA and DHA found in fish have been proven too low the cholesterol levels.
It is an altar to the chemical serotonin linked with mood produced in the brain.The fatty acids present in fish are boon to your heart and mood. The fish contain omega-3 fatty acid is, Tuna, Salmon, Sardines, Rainbow trout etc. Try to consume these fatty any oily fish at least twice in a week to enhance a happy mood n to feel good.
5. Milk And Yogurt
A glass of low-fat milk and a bowl of thick yogurt can boost your mood miraculously. The probiotic bacteria: live microorganisms present in yogurt can have a noticeable effect on the mood to feel good. These could help ease depression also.
The bacteria communicate with the brain via the vagus nerve and decrease the symptoms of anxiety and clinical depression. Milk has the proper calcium present in this keeps alerting your mind to communicate with others.
6. Fruits
Fruits contain antioxidants which release feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain. Some fruits such as strawberries, oranges, mango, grapes etc. Contain vitamin C which has a serious immune boosting power and has shown to decrease depressive symptoms too.
A bowl of all above fruits with yogurt can boost your mood in minutes. Banana has a great source of potassium which improves brain function. It also offers mood-regulating relaxant Tryptophan, an amino acid which is responsible for a lovely mood and feels good too. Try to take 1.5 to 2 cups of fruit daily for a happy mood.
7. Vegetables
Vegetables also contain antioxidants to boost mood and behaviour. Some vegetables like leafy green collards, spinach, beans, are rich in vitamin B lower the risk of depression to improve mood and psychological well – being.
Red and yellow peppers and sweet potatoes have more vitamins, phytonutrients and antioxidants to cheer up your mood. Blanched carrots and broccoli which can positively influence mood to reduce anxiety and depression.
Cherry tomatoes help to protect vital brain – fat and stop to build up the pro-inflammatory compound linked to depression. Try to take 2 to 3 cups of vegetables to keep yourself happy and active and always choose the organic.
8. Honey
Honey has some mood-boosting nutrients which help to reduce inflammation which is very important to maintain a healthy brain. It has some beneficial compounds such as quercetin and kaempferol that actually help to clean the free redial and reduce inflammation.
9. Egg
The best egg to enhance your mood are the pastured eggs available at the local farmers. Because the hens raised in pasture can eat a diet of grains and bugs supplemented with organic grains help you to feel good than the eggs from broiler hens. Try to take at least four eggs in a week.
10. Saffron
Saffron helps in the mood swings and depression caused in women at PMC: Pre Menstrual Cycle. Saffron has the antidepressant effects which are a boon for women and helps to make the feel-good neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain. Women should take one or two threads of saffron with warm milk before two or three days of the menstrual cycle to avoid chronic depressions.
11. Tea
Drinking of five to six cups of green or black tea in a day can enhance attention and focus level of your brain in abundance can reflect your good behavior towards others.
Theanine, an amino paid presently in tea can improve a more alert state of mind to interact with others. A cup of green tea with honey can relieve you from anger and anxiety too.
12. Coconut
The smell of coconut helps to slow down a rapid heartbeat to calm your mood. It keeps the blood pressure within range too which can help to present a less irritating behaviour. Whenever you feel stressed and lack of alertness towards your work, smell the scent of coconut to get a relaxed mood.
13. Sesame Seeds
Basically, we use sesame seeds as a topping for some dishes. But this crop has an amino acid: tyrosine boosts the dopamine level of brain and kicks the feel-good hormone into high gear.Try them by roasting or by sprinkling on salads and smoothies to boost your mood.
14. Mushroom
Mushroom lovers! Try this to boost a depressed mood to a cheerful one at any time you feel to go down. The vitamin B6 present in mushrooms, effectively treat mood disorders and reduce stress naturally.
15. Walnuts And Pumpkin Seeds
You can take a handful of walnuts or pumpkin seeds as a mid-morning snack to improve your mood and feelings of self-worth. They both are loaded with omega-3’s which help to keep vibes of feel-good rest of the day.
16. Oats
Oats contain the mod boosting mineral selenium helps to keep your mood stable all day. It slowly releases energy into the bloodstream which keeps blood sugar in a stable condition because of its low glycaemic index (GI). Try to start your day with half a cup of oats mixed with honey and yoghurt to feel good whole day.
17. Seafood
Seafood contains a protein which is rich in tyrosine, the brain uses to produce the chemicals to enhance your mental function and elevate your mood. Plates of seafood such as Oysters, Calms, Sardines, Crabs, saltwater fish and freshwater fish are rich in selenium which you should consume anyway
18. Lentils
Lentils are complex carbohydrates which result in a calmer and happier state of mind with less anxiety. Lentils can boost your iron levels which can give you a nice shot of energy. To make them digest easily, soak them for few hours before cooking.
19. A Balanced Diet
A balanced diet pretends you to do better physical activities. It has a direct link to increased cognitive function, memory skills and improved mood. These advantages are completely necessary for children which can help them to stay focused and to complete their housework.
B. Foods That Has Negative Impact On Mood
1. Soy
Soy has a substance called goitrogen has a negative impact on thyroid which can lead to exhaustion and irritability and can greatly affect your mood also. Don’t take soy with foods rich in high carbohydrates. Avoid consuming soy when you are in a dump mood.
2. Diet Soda
People who consume diet soda report a number of health issues including a headache and mood swing because of loaded with chemicals including artificial sweeteners.
3. Sugar
It is a belief that sugar provides an instant and natural energy to our body. But it raises your blood sugar level too. As a result, your body releases insulin to return it to safe levels. In this period you may face terrible mood swings. It is better to try natural sweeteners like stevia or xylitol.
Food has chemical properties, vitamins and minerals which work as neurotransmitters. So it is with to choose the perfect food for a perfect mind.