This article is about one essential oil that most of you may not have even heard of – COPAIBA ESSENTIAL OIL (pronounced “Ko-pah-ee-bah”).
Originated from the trees growing in the Amazon Forest, Copaiba essential oil is distilled from an oleoresin called copaiba. Just like its unique name it is unique in its properties and uses.
Copaiba oil holds the pure essence of health-promoting botanicals that can be diffused, inhaled, applied topically, incorporated into massage, or taken internally too.
Essential oils-extract from the different parts of a plant or a tree- can be more than just nice scents. These robust extracts of a plant or tree can become your path to well-being in the long run.
For thousands of years, essential oils were being used for cosmetic purposes, and also for spiritual and emotional upliftment.
They are typically manufactured through the process of distillation in which the oils of a plant is separated from the water-based compounds by steaming. Thus, essential oils are highly concentrated oils with a strong aroma.
Now, let me make you dive into its several properties which are nothing but the effects it generates on consumption or application:
Table of Contents
Properties Of Copaiba Essential Oil
1. Anti – Inflammatory
It is said to have the best anti-inflammatory properties. Promotes healing of injuries or wounds. Used as a Disinfectant in wounds to prevent any infection.Used as moisturizers.
2. Astringent
used mostly in cosmetic applications.
3. Expectorant
Aids in expelling phlegm. Anti-Cancer to skin cancer and stomach cancer. Helps in lowering down blood pressure.
4. Anti-Irritant
Because of all these properties, Copaiba essential oil has plenty of uses and health benefits.
Uses And Health Benefits Of Copaiba Essential Oil
1. Copaiba Essential Oil For Skin
Who doesn’t want radiant skin?
Skin without any scars, marks or pimples, a skin which is tight and firm making you look younger even when you are aging! The miraculous copaiba essential oil helps you treat almost all skin problems and makes your skin healthy and glowing.
Not only does it protect the skin but it also heals the skin and infuses the body with powerful nutrients and organic compounds that can eliminate blisters, marks, and pimples. Have a look at how it works on your skin. Another oil that can be used to treat skin problems is the moringa oil.
2. Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are a major problem among women and men too which bothers them time and again.
Copaiba oil in conjugation with olive oil when applied directly to the marks helps them fade away. There are some other oils that can help to eliminate stretch marks; you can read the article on our site.
3. Sagging Skin
Copaiba oil is said to boost the secretion of collagen and elastin which make skin firm and tight. Apply it directly on skin areas which are sagging and see the changes yourself.
4. Varicose Veins
Copaiba oil is excellent to cure varicose veins. Blood circulation is improved of veins close to the skin, allowing them to drain back and reduce pooled blood which eliminates varicose veins. Cypress Essential Oil can also be used to treat this problem. Say GOODBYE to those compression stockings laying in your almirah NOW!!
5. Diminishes Scars
Use the oil mixture to remove blemishes, scars and other marks on your body naturally.
6. Mole Removal
Moles add something unique to your looks, but the same moles bother you when they form in the wrong place and make you look a bit funny.
Copaiba oil! Use of copaiba oil, mixed with carrier oils, reduces the appearance of moles on the skin. Also, regular usage of the oil helps you lighten the moles and reduces its dimensions.
7. Cellulite Removal
Ladies!! Are you suffering from ‘cottage cheese butt syndrome’?Then massage copaiba oil regularly on your skin and get rid of the cellulite on your thighs, buttocks, and hips.Yes, it works!!
8. Improved Bladder Control
Post-pregnancy a lot of women undergo several bodily changes both good and bad. One such change is the complete lack of bladder control.
Due to the continuous pressure of the uterus during pregnancy, the bladder and pelvic muscles of women become weak resulting in urine urgency.
Rub the oil mixture on your pelvic area as it can help strengthen the pelvic muscles, the bladder too.
9. Anti-Inflammation
Copaiba oil can effectively be used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Inflammatory conditions such as asthma can be cured with this oil. You can also follow effective ayurvedic remedies for Asthma.
10. Pain Relief
In aromatherapy, this oil can help to reduce pain and loosen muscles, eliminate joint pain, and eases the discomfort caused by headaches and migraines.
The analgesic properties present in this oil make it an excellent pain remover.
A mixture of Copaiba oil and vegetable oil, when massaged onto the part of the body, gives you immense relief where you experience pain.
Whatever be the cause of pain, this oil helps in reducing the pain. The below-mentioned problems which cause pain can be treated effectively with copaiba essential oil.
- Arthritis and gout
- Headaches
- Pain due to an injury
- Muscular cramp pain
- Back joint pain and sciatica
- Respiratory Health
In aromatherapy, copaiba essential oil is often turned to by people suffering from respiratory problems. When inhaled, the soothing nature of the copaiba essential oil eases discomfort and loosens the glands and tensed muscles that might be causing the irritation.
11. Diuretic
Many kids have the issue of bedwetting, and not just kids even adults who have difficulty in controlling the flow of urine can use this oil by applying it on the lower abdomen and massage. It reduces the incidences of incontinence. The mothers can also try Gokshuradi Guggulu to control this problem in kids.
12. Copaiba Oil In Sitz Bath
Never heard of it?Sitz bath is a bath taken only for the lower body part. It is used to relieve hemorrhoids and problems like bacterial or fungal infections in the genitals.
The mild antimicrobial property of the copaiba essential oil helps in the elimination of such infections.
13. Insect Bites
Who would love when a wasp bites?? Not me at least! The bitten part swells up and causes throbbing pain and discomfort. Use copaiba oil on the bite to quickly heal the swelling and get relief instantly.
14. Soap Perfume
Make your soap at home by adding the oil. Pretty easy, isn’t it? Adding this essential oil imparts mild fragrance to soap, which comforts you and keeps you fresh and fragrant.
15. Lighten Up Your Spirits
Not just physical pain the oil also heals mental and emotional trouble by lightening up a tensed mood. Smell the sweet aroma of the oil and get lost in it for a while and come back relaxed and smiling. Here, you can also give a try to cinnamon essential oil to overcome depression and negative thoughts!!
16. Internal Use
Copaiba oil can also be used internally as a health supplement to boost health and also as prevention against cancer. You can add it to foods, drinks, and juices, etc. and experience its benefits on a regular intake.
How To Take It Internally?
Consumption of the oil directly might be harmful. Instead, add only two drops to a capsule and gulp the capsule down. Not more than three capsules should be taken in a day.
However, doctors recommend avoiding the oral intake of this essential oil as it can be toxic. So, it is best to use it only under the prescription of a doctor.
Tips For Making Copaiba A Part Of Your Life
Add 1-3 drops of oil to 1 teaspoon honey and suck on a spoonful to cure a sore throat. You can also gargle with a solution of 3-5 drops of oil and water and gargle.
5 drops taken in a cup of water treat liver problems, arthritis, stomach ulcers, gonorrhea, high blood pressure.
Amazing, right?!
Traditionally been used for chronic pain, either apply topically or take internally.
Add eight drops to your bathing water with ½ cup salt. This will soften your skin and relieve you from bodily pain.
Colds & flu-Massage 1-2 drops into the lymph glands and have a healthy immune system.
Headaches-Massage few drops into temples or the base of the skull to relax and reduce stress.
Bumps & Bruises-Massage 1-2 drops into sore muscles.
Acne-Take two drops of this oil on a cotton ball and apply it directly on acne. Wait for 2 – 3 hours. Because of its anti-inflammatory power, it reduces redness around the acne.
But are you thinking about its side effects?
Your question is answered below.
Side Effects Copaiba Essential Oil
Copaiba essential oil is safe to consume internally in a dosage as directed by your doctor. However, excess intake can cause stomach pain and symptoms similar to food poisoning. If there is an allergy of any kind, then discontinue its use at once.
Now that’s an impressive list of uses of essential oil. Isn’t it?
The oil certainly is rare but has very powerful uses!
So, next time you hold a bottle of the powerful COPAIBA ESSENTIAL OIL keeps in mind that you are holding the pure essence of health-promoting essential oil and not just any oil!!