Indian Borage is known to improve skin quality, removes the toxin from body, relieves the pain of arthritis, boost digestion and cures cancer.
Very fewer people know about the herbs available to the mankind by nature. Indian Borage is one among them.It has innumerable health benefits that people are unaware of.
The Plectranthusamboinicus – binomial name of this herb is a fleshy perennial plant, highly aromatic with short, erect hair.It belongs to the family of ‘Lamiaceae’.
It is commonly grown as a potted plant and trusted by households for its therapeutic properties. Most of the times it is mistaken with oregano as both have the same aroma.
The plant is known as “starflower” because of its flowers which come in the bright colors of blue, pink and white and are shaped like a star.
The look of the flower is wild, but it is grown as an ornamental plant. It has different names like French thyme, soup, mint in South Africa, Spanish thyme in the United States, Ajwain Patta in India.
Mexican mint is the most commonly used name around the globe.Some more names of Indian borage are common borage, bee bread, Common Bugloss, Starflower and ox’s tongue.
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Health Benefits Of Indian Borage
Borage has innumerable medicinal values. It is a popular herb rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients promoting healthy living. Its health-related benefits are uncountable. Let’s look forward to its impressive health benefits.
1. Skin Health
You can use the pulp of the pound leaves to cure burns, sores, pimples, psoriasis, herpes, insect bites, nail fungus, stings and skin conditions like eczema to relieve itching and skin irritation. The extracted essential oils can be used regularly for a flawless skin and a dandruff free scalp.
2. Rich In Omega 6 Fatty Acid
It is rich in omega 6 or gamma linolenic acid that has been studied to boost joint restoration and good health. Extremely useful for athletes or for those who have regular stress on their joints.
Magnificent for athletes or for those who have normal stress on their joints.It is effective to treat arthritis, its richness in fatty acids helps in reducing pain caused by arthritis.
3. Rich In Vitamin-A And C
It not only contains a high level of minerals, but it is also rich in vitamin A and carotenoids which promote good eyesight.It is also rich in vitamin C which is known for its anti- oxidant properties.It is also rich in vitamin C which is known for its anti- oxidant properties.
4. Treats Fever
Borage is sudorific. It contains choline that stimulates the glands which produce sweat and cools the body. This cooling feature reduces your fever, flu, and colds.
Systematic consumption of the leaves can boost your immune system by preventing bacteria and other pathogens developing in your body.
5. Cures Any Respiratory Issues
The cooling property mentioned above can help to treat your sore throat, congestion problems, asthma, and bronchitis.The potent compounds eliminate mucus and phlegm from respiratory tracts and clean out your sinuses.The potent compounds reduce mucus and phlegm from respiratory tracts and clean out your sinuses.
Due to increasing air pollution, respiratory diseases are often found in every individual. Your regular consumption of borage can reduce the effects of the disease.
6. Improves The Kidney Health
Borage is diuretic. Borage is used to remove excess liquid from your body, which results in removing harmful toxins, excess salt, and water by stimulating urination.This helps in smoothing the kidney and lymphatic system.This helps in easing the kidney and lymphatic system.
7. Beneficial For Females
Women will be happy to read that borage reduces menstrual pains, delivery pains, and headaches.In India and some parts of Indonesia, the herb is given to lactating mothers to increase the milk flow.
8. Relieves Stress And Anxiety
Borage is known to have a sedative action. Borage contains niacin or nicotinic-acid that has positive effects on anxiety, stress, and nervousness.It can also reduce your melancholy. It is also used for prevention and curing muscular degeneration.
High blood pressure, heart attacks, and cancer in some cases are the results of hypertension and stress which is also reduced by the regular consumption of this herb.
9. Cures Digestion Issues
Borage promotes digestion and settles stomach aches such as gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome.It is also used in curing prostate gland inflammation. In traditional India borage was considered the best medicine for upset stomachs in fact it’s still prevalent.
10. Cancer Prevention
Recently borage stepped back into columns and news when it showed positive effects in treating breast cancer.It reduces the size of breast tumor due to its richness in omega-6 fatty acid and its antioxidant properties although studies are still in progress.
Side Effects Of Indian Borage
Indian borage no doubt has ample number of uses, but each coin has two sides there are some side-effects too.
Borage because of its hairy and bristly leaves and stems may cause irritation to sensitive skinned people.
The borage is not recommended for pregnant women, although borage is used to increase milk in the lactating mother, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician before using this herb.
Borage has no other severe side effects and it has no reporting with other pharmaceutical drugs or herbs. Borage is safe to use in medicines as well as in cooking.
Indian borage is an herb which is definitely found in every household in India. This beneficial herb is used all around the globe in different ways, some use it as a seasoning and some uses for its medicinal values.
Culinary Uses Of Indian Borage
Borage is like a blessing in Ayurveda (a system of the Vedic tradition of making medicines from plants, followed in the Indian subcontinent).
Its benefits are not only limited to medicines, but has also has been used in authentic Indian food as herbs and spices are a significant part of the Indian cuisine.
Now, the most significant use of borage comes out. Its strong flavor and aroma is ideal for cooking vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. Borage is available in capsules, bulk herb, tincture and oil.
The dried leaves are used to prepare marinade, stuffing or it can also be used as potherb. It adds punch to your dishes and can be used in condiments for sour soup and stews.
It can be eaten raw with bread and butter, fried in batter, flavoring for wine, beer, salads and tea.
It is extremely effective for many health issues and is also the main ingredient of authentic Indian food. It is a blessing for Ayurveda and mankind.